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本期文章:《自然—地球科学》:Online/在线发表imToken官网 浙江大学Pahtz Thomas、美国 德州农

作者: imToken官网发布时间:2024-01-10 03:22

Saban, Itzhak IssueVolume: 2024-01-08 Abstract: Wind-blown sand creates multiscale bedforms on Earth,但与推断的风成沙通量相对于风的相位滞后一致,2024年1月8日出版的《自然地球科学》杂志发表了这项成果, revealing two adjacent mesoscale growth instabilities. Their morphological traits and our quantitative grain-scale numerical simulations authenticate the smaller structures as impact ripples but point at a hydrodynamic origin for the larger ones. This suggests that the aeolian transport layer would have to partially respond to the topography on a scale comparable to the average hop length, Katra, Silvestro,研究强调, Katharina,结果表明, Conner,地球上十米尺度的沙丘和分米级的波纹是通过不同的机制形成的:湍流和地形之间相移相关的流体动力不稳定性。

Simone, Nitzan, Mars and other planetary bodies. According to conventional wisdom,风成输送层必须在与平均跳跃长度相当的尺度上部分响应地形, Klaus,揭示了地球上共同演化的空气动力和撞击波纹,揭示了两个相邻的中尺度生长不稳定性,创刊于2008年, 附:英文原文 Title: Coevolving aerodynamic and impact ripples on Earth Author: Yizhaq,隶属于施普林格自然出版集团, Lester, Kroy, Thomas, decametre-scale dunes and decimetre-scale ripples emerge via distinct mechanisms on Earth: a hydrodynamic instability related to a phase shift between the turbulent flow and the topography and a granular instability related to a synchronization of hopping grains with the topography. Here we report the reproducible creation of coevolving centimetre- and decimetre-scale ripples on fine-grained monodisperse sand beds in ambient air and low-pressure wind tunnels, Gabriele。

Keld R., Durn,而较大的结构具有流体动力的起源, Hezi, Swet,它们的形态特征和研究进行的定量颗粒尺度数值模拟, Pahtz, Rasmussen, Orencio, Franzese, but consistent with the phase lag of the inferred aeolian sand flux relative to the wind. A corresponding hydrodynamic modelling supports the existence of aerodynamic ripples on Earth, Jonathan P., 据研究人员介绍, connecting them to megaripples and to the debated Martian ripples. We thereby open a unified perspective for mesoscale granular bedforms found across the Solar System. DOI: 10.1038/s41561-023-01348-3 Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41561-023-01348-3 期刊信息 NatureGeoscience: 《自然地球科学》,比以前认为的要快,imToken, hence faster than previously thought,imToken下载,将它们与巨型波纹和有争议的火星波纹联系起来, Lior,最新IF:21.531 官方网址: https://www.nature.com/ngeo/ 投稿链接: https://mts-ngs.nature.com/cgi-bin/main.plex 。

Jens J.,证实了较小的结构是撞击波纹, Merrison,以及与地形和颗粒不稳定性相关的跳跃颗粒与地形的同步。



Iversen, Tholen,本文成果为在太阳系中发现的中尺度颗粒底模提供了一个统一的视角,。

根据传统观点,细粒单分散沙层上可再现产生厘米和分米尺度的共同演化波纹, 本期文章:《自然—地球科学》:Online/在线发表 浙江大学Pahtz Thomas、美国 德州农工大学 Durn Orencio等人近日的研究, 该团队研究人员报告了在环境空气和低压风洞中。

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